
作为一座美丽的港口风景城市,厦门四季常青、夏无酷暑、冬无严寒,年平均气温为21℃(投洽会大会期间平均气温为26℃),非常适合居家旅行,已获得 “联合国人居奖”、“国际花园城市”、中国“全国文明城市”、“国家园林城市”、“国家卫生城市”、“环境保护模范城”和“全国优秀旅游城市”等殊荣




Located in the southern part of Fujian province and the west coast of the Taiwan Strait, separated from Quemoy island only by a narrow stripe of water, Xiamen is a traditional trading port in southeast China and a famous tourist coastal city as well. It covers an area of 1,565sq. Kilometers and has a population of 1,26 million.

As one of the earliest special economic zones in China, Xiamen is empowered with both provincial-level authorities in economic administrator and local legislative power. Since the special economic zone was established in xiamen,the City's national economy has experienced a sustained, rapid and coordinated growth. Xiamen has been accredited as a National Sanitary City, National Garden City, National Model City for environmental Protection and National Excellent Tourist City.

Xiamen port is one of the top 10 ports of China. It boasts of 80 berths of various sizes. There are navigation routes from Xiamen to over 60 ports in more than 40 countries and regions. With 62 international and domestic air routes opened, Xiamen GaoQi International Airport is a main air hub in east China. The well-developed system of railway and highway transportation links the city with all over the country.

Xiamen es una importante ciudad portuaria en la costa sureste de China, cerca de importantes mercados de consumo de gafas como Guangdong, Hong Kong, Taiwán y el sudeste asiático. Como base de producción de gafas de sol ylugar de reunión de gafas de marcas chinas, Xiamen también tiene una base profunda en la industria de las gafas. Con las ventajas duales de la región y la industria, la Feria Internacional de Óptica de Xiamen promoverá la industria global de gafas a una nueva etapa de rápido desarrollo.

Сямэнь является важным портовым городом на юго-восточном побережье Китая, недалеко от Гуандуна, Гонконга, Тайваня, Юго-Восточной Азии и других важных потребительских рынков очков. Как база по производству солнцезащитных очков и место сбора китайских брендовых очков, Сямэнь также имеет глубокую базу индустрии очков. Благодаря двойным преимуществам региона и промышленности, Сямэньская оптическая выставка, родившаяся здесь, подтолкнет мировую индустрию очков к новому этапу быстрого развития.
